Troubleshooting steps:
1) Make sure python or pip is installed at the server. (Minumum required version is python3.6).
2) If python 3.6 or latest version is not installed then follow the steps below.
- yum install epel-release -y
- yum search python3 (find the exact name of the package and install)
- yum install "pythonversionhere" -y
Next, Make sure pip3.* should be the same as the python version.
- pip3.* install "matplotlib NeuroNER train tensorflow==1.5 flask sklearn spacy pycorenlp"
- pip3.* install --upgrade pip
- python3.* -m spacy download en
4) Once pythong/pip is installed successfully, you just need to restart the service and enable it run at boot time.
- systemctl start rchillidl
- systemctl enable rchillidl
Rest, feel free to contact the RChilli Support team via creating a ticket at RChilli HelpDesk or you can send an email at
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