The search and match API allows you to search and match candidates and jobs with great flexibility than simple database searching and matching algorithms.
Simple Search Method
The Simple Search API method allows you to make your document searchable with a string query (must contain entities) without specifying search parameters.
Before searching documents, you must index the documents via RChilli Search and Match index API using your index key. The searching is always done on the documents that you have indexed. For more details on indexing the documents, see Parse and Index.
Simple Search API searches the document based on the entities on the documents like skill, employer name, job profile, degree, experience, and location. If your indexed documents do not have the entity you are searching for, then no result will be displayed. Also, Simple Search API does not support free-text searching; the search keyword must always contain at least one entity to get a result.
Free Text Search Method
The FreeText Search method is used to search random text on the indexed Resume or JD.
In the FreeTextSearch API request, you can pass the keyword with the query string along with the regular expressions and the operators, i.e., AND / OR / NOT, etc. Kindly refer to this link to know how to use the Boolean operator in keywords.
FreeTextSearch on the Resume: The FreeTextSearch method searches on the DetailResume entity that contains the resume details in the text format. To know more about the DetailResume entity, refer Resume Parser response and DetailResume in the resume parser schema.
FreeTextSearch on the JD: The FreeTextSearch method searches on the JobDescription entity that contains the JD details in the text format. To know more about the JobDescription entity, refer to the JD Parser responseandJobDescriptionin the JD parser schema.
Boolean Search Method
In the boolean (advance) search, unlike simple search, you can customize your search by specifying search parameters like - Job Profile, Company, Degree, etc.
Boolean Search gives more flexibility in searching by specifying required/optional search parameters.
You can search values for multiple fields with multiple values. You can find the fields list available inFacetsfor Resume and JD. Multiple values are searched based on the OR conditions. Multiple Fields are searched in the required conditions on the basis of AND condition while in the optional condition it is search with OR condition.
If you have any questions, you can always contact RChilli Support via creating a ticket at RChilli Helpdesk or simply by sending an email at
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