- Do RChilli APIs function with WordPress or other platforms?
- How to enable Template output API settings from My Account?
- How to upgrade plan from My Account Panel?
- What is Confidence score?
- What is Resume Quality feature in Resume Parser?
- How to configure Bulk Upload Integration?
- What are the different Resume Parser Error Code
- Will my credits be deducted for unsuccessful parsing attempts?
- How does the Document converter plugin work?
- What does the GeoLocation API returns?
- How can I enable Document Converter Plugin for My Account?
- Why Geosearch is not working for Multi language?
- How can I update the billing and shipping addresses from RChilli My Account?
- Is it possible for the JD parser to extract text content from a web link?
- What happens if the resume is half image and half text?
- RChilli PDF to HTML Response
- How to make sure my plan is auto renewed as needed so I never run out of credits?
- How to determine whether a skill falls under the category of Required Skills or Preferred Skills?
- What is the difference between the 'Match Resume to JD' and 'JD to Resume' functionalities?
- Why am I getting 1021 error?
- Do you extract the Gap period from the experience of the candidate?
- How to differentiate candidates who are currently on a career break from the candidates who have never had any professional experience?
- Can we register Multiple email id's with email inbox integration and can we segregate resumes using email inbox?
- What is the difference between an "Institution" and a "SubInstitution" in the Education section?
- What is the proportion of CVs, from the batch of different CVs, in which the education or experience section was parsed accurately?
- How does Pagination helps?
- What is the maximum number of records that can be returned in a single API call?
- Can we get documents based on Language Known?
- We would like to know how much Resume credit has been used by our Sub users?
- Do you store any data from the resumes that we parse?