For example, If you have three sources of resumes and while indexing them you would like like to categorize them by the source.
You can use the 'subUserId' parameter for this scenario. You can pass your different sources within the subuserid param.
Like the below parse and index example:
For the first source:
"index": {
"indexType": "Resume",
"indexKey": "your user key"
"subUserId": "source1"
"data": {
"id": "id1",
"fileName": "Resume1.pdf",
"fileContent": "file content in base64"
For the second source:
"index": {
"indexType": "Resume",
"indexKey": "your user key"
"subUserId": "source2"
"data": {
"id": "id2",
"fileName": "Resume2.pdf",
"fileContent": "file content in base64"
You can index the document with the 'subUserId' parameter, while doing searching/matching you can pass the same 'subUserId'.
The API will search/match within that specific 'subUserId'.
For further reference, you can refer to this help article Is it possible to apply search/match to apply to specific indexes and not all indexed documents – RChilli HelpDesk
If you have any questions, you can contact RChilli Support by creating a ticket atRChilli Helpdeskor simply by sending an email
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