Follow the below procedure to access the Taxonomy database from your Snowflake account.
- Sign in to your Reader account in Snowflake, enter your Username, Password, and click Sign in.
- Click Go to New UI for the Snowsight view.
Note: If you want to work in a classic view, refer Taxonomy Using Classic Console View.
- If you clicked Remind me later by mistake in the above step, then move to the Snowsight view from classic console view. Click Snowsight in the header of the classic console to go back to the Snowsight view.
- Ignore this step if you already chosen Go to New UI in the above step.
- If you want to work in a classic view, refer Taxonomy Using Classic Console View.
- Click Private Sharing to view all the databases that are shared with you in the Snowflake.
Note :Make sure you select the role as ACCOUNTADMIN.
- On the Shared With You tab, all the databases that are shared with you are available in the Direct Shares section. Click Download icon to view and download the database.
- On the Get Data pop-up, you can do the following:
- Rename the database in the Databasename field and make a note of the database.
- Select and add the roles from the drop-down, all the role that you add here can access the database.
- Once the database name is updated in the above step, click Get Data.
- Once the database created successfully, click View Database.
- On the Databases(navigation panel), you can view the database that is downloaded in the above step. Expand the database to view its schema that is shared with you such as EDUCATION_DEGREE,EDUCATION_INSTITUTE etc. Expand the schema and you can view the table of the schema in the Views drop-down.
Note: The following schema can be shared with you, connect with support@rchilli.comfor the purchase of schemas as necessary:- All Taxonomy Dump
Further to download the CSV from snowflake please refer to the Knowledge center link.
If you have any questions, you can contact us at
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