First, please confirm whether the resume/CV file is a scanned document or an image file, as we are unable to parse scanned files.
Secondly, if you are attempting to parse a PDF document, please ensure that it is not corrupted and that the data is not shuffled. To verify this, open the PDF file using a PDF viewer such as Adobe Acrobat Reader, copy the text content, and paste it into a notepad or text editor. The pasted text should be displayed correctly. If you notice jumbled or garbled text, it is likely that the PDF file is corrupted.
Another method to check is to open the file using Adobe Reader, then go to the top right-hand side of the interface and select "File" => "Save As Other" => "(.txt)". Open the resulting .txt file and examine the extracted text. If the text appears jumbled or distorted, it indicates that the PDF is corrupted, and unfortunately, it cannot be repaired or parsed.
If you require further assistance, please contact the RChilli Support team by creating a ticket on the RChilli HelpDesk platform or by sending an email to The RChilli support team will analyze the provided resume file and provide you with the appropriate solution.
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