For work experience calculation, we calculate all the job periods in which the candidate has worked and convert them into total months.
If months are not defined with a job period like ( 2017-2018), we always start calculating it from Jan 1st of start year and consider 31st Dec of end year.
For Example:
Company Name | Job Period | Calculated Years |
ABC Ltd | 2018-till Jan 1, 2018 - Apr 4, 2019 | 16 Months |
XYZ Infotech | 2017-2018 Jan 1, 2017- Dec 31, 2018 | Here 2018 overlaps with the above period hence we consider (2017-2017) 12 Months. |
CXY Groups | 2015-2016 Jan 1, 2015 - Dec 31, 2016 | 24 Months |
WXY Plc. | 2013-2013 Jan 1, 2013 -Dec 31, 2013 | 12 Months |
So, the total calculated months would be 16+12+24+12= 64 Months.
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