Please note that RChilli can parse the project details only under the experience block.
-If the project period falls under the experience period, the project details will be parsed and the results will be shown as a part of the experience in the experience segregation.
-However, if the project period (e.g. 2017-18) doesn't fall under the experience period (e.g. 2000-2016), the details won't be parsed.
-Also, it is important that the resume should have 'Project name' or 'Project details' written in front of the project. Otherwise, the parser will not pick up the information.
For Example:
Resume A:
Work Experience:
2000-2003 - RChilli Inc, Intern. Livingston, NJ
Project Name: Application for Resume Parsing 2001- 2002
Team Size: 5
Employer": {
"EmployerName": "RChilli Inc",
"FormattedName": "",
"ConfidenceScore": 10
"JobProfile": {
"Title": "Intern",
"FormattedName": "intern",
"Alias": "Assistant Intern, Experience Intern, Front end intern, full time intern, full-time intern, intern i, Internship Trainee, part - time intern, part time intern, part-time intern, Student Intern, Summer Intern, Summer-intern",
"RelatedSkills": [
"Skill": "Communication",
"ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate"
"Skill": "Data Capture",
"ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate"
"Skill": "Research",
"ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate"
"ConfidenceScore": 10
"Location": {
"City": "Livingston",
"State": "NJ",
"StateIsoCode": "US-NJ",
"Country": "USA",
"CountryCode": {
"IsoAlpha2": "US",
"IsoAlpha3": "USA",
"UNCode": "840"
"JobPeriod": "2000-2003",
"FormattedJobPeriod": "2000 to 2003",
"StartDate": "01/01/2000",
"EndDate": "31/12/2003",
"IsCurrentEmployer": "false",
"JobDescription": "",
"Projects": [
"UsedSkills": "",
"ProjectName": "Application for Resume Parsing",
"TeamSize": "5"
For Resume A, the project will be parsed in the same segregation and total work experience will be of 4 years.
Resume B:
Work Experience:
2000-2016 - Infotech Company, Java Developer
Project Name: Application for JD Parsing 2017- 2018
Team Size: 5
"Employer": {
"EmployerName": "Infotech Company",
"FormattedName": "",
"ConfidenceScore": 10
"JobProfile": {
"Title": "Java Developer",
"FormattedName": "Java Developer",
"Alias": "application developer java, Assistant Java Programmer, back end java developer, Backend application developer java, Backend engineer - java",
"RelatedSkills": [
"Skill": "Apache Tomcat",
"ProficiencyLevel": "Native"
"Skill": "Hibernate",
"ProficiencyLevel": "Native"
"ConfidenceScore": 10
"Location": {
"City": "",
"State": "",
"StateIsoCode": "",
"Country": "",
"CountryCode": {
"IsoAlpha2": "",
"IsoAlpha3": "",
"UNCode": ""
"JobPeriod": "2000-2016",
"FormattedJobPeriod": "2000 to 2016",
"StartDate": "01/01/2000",
"EndDate": "31/12/2016",
"IsCurrentEmployer": "false",
"JobDescription": "",
"Projects": [
"UsedSkills": "",
"ProjectName": "",
"TeamSize": ""
Project will not get parsed for Resume B as the period mentioned with the project does not fall under the period mentioned for the Experience Block.
Resume C:
Infosys Company, IOS Developer, 2017- 2018
"Employer": {
"EmployerName": "Infosys Company",
"FormattedName": "",
"ConfidenceScore": 10
"JobProfile": {
"Title": "IOS Developer",
"FormattedName": "iOS Engineer",
"Alias": "android ios developer, developer ios, Freelance web and ios developer, Intermediate Ios Developer, Internal Mobile App Developer, Ios and Android App Developer, Ios and Macos Developer, ios app developer",
"RelatedSkills": [
"Skill": "Code Analysis",
"ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate"
"Skill": "CocoaPod",
"ProficiencyLevel": "Moderate"
"Skill": "Programming Language",
"ProficiencyLevel": "Native"
"ConfidenceScore": 10
"Location": {
"City": "",
"State": "",
"StateIsoCode": "",
"Country": "",
"CountryCode": {
"IsoAlpha2": "",
"IsoAlpha3": "",
"UNCode": ""
"JobPeriod": "2017 - 2018",
"FormattedJobPeriod": "2017 to 2018",
"StartDate": "01/01/2017",
"EndDate": "31/12/2018",
"IsCurrentEmployer": "false",
"JobDescription": "",
"Projects": [
"UsedSkills": "",
"ProjectName": "",
"TeamSize": ""
For Resume C, as there is no Experience block, so Project will be parsed as Experience if Job Period is mentioned along with the Employer name and Job Profile.
If you are still not getting the right results, please reach us at
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