The best way to use Boolean search for job profiles and with range of experience are listed below :
For instance, Product Manager with less than 5 years of Experience
JobProfile: Product Manager
You can check the below request for getting the candidate having experience of less than 5 years,
"index": {
"indexType": "Resume",
"indexKey": "USERKEY"
"query": {
"required": {
"JobProfile": [
"Product Manager"
"TotalExperienceInYear": [
You need to pass the expression as“*5“which indicates that the experience is between 0 to 5
Screenshot for reference:
Similarly, if you want the candidate to have experience greater than 5, then you have to pass the expression like “5*“
"TotalExperienceInYear": [ "5*" ]
and for a range of total years of experience between 5 and 10.
"TotalExperienceInYear": [ "5 to 10" ]
If you still have a question, you can always contact RChilli Support by creating a ticket atRChilli HelpDeskor simply by sending an email to
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