Here is a detailed description of how we calculate the weightage in search and Match API.
Score:- It is a value out of 100 which we are giving to entities to calculate the weightage. It represents the relevancy of the match records to the query.
Weightage:- Entities value contribution to the score is the weightage of the entity. It is like a preference to the entity by a certain value.
How we calculate it?
We calculate score based on the document (Resume/JD) entity, and we have our own algorithm to calculate it. For calculation, we give weightage to entities out of 100 based on the algorithm.
Below you can find the list of entities for Searched Query.
Entities of Resume
◦Job Profiles
- CurrentJobprofile
- CurrentJobProfileAlias
- JobProfile (Previous)
- JobProfileAlias
- CurrentEmployer
- Employer(Previous)
- SkillWithExperience
- SkillWithousExp
- SkillAlias
◦Experience Required
- Total Experience In a month
- Highest Degree
- Degree
- Address City
- Employer City
- Current City
- Previous City
Entities of JD
◦Job Profile
- JobTitle
- JobALias
- Organization
- ReqiredSkill
◦Experience Required
- Minimum Exp
- Maximum Exp
- RegQualification
- Preferred Qualification
- JobLocationCity
- JobLocatioState
- JobLocationCountry
If you want to give more weightage to any entities from the given entities, We can do the customization for you by changing the score weightage settings from our end. You just need to share the requirement with us.
For more clarity, Example:-
Suppose you want to give more weightage to education instead of other entities (80% to education and 20% to other fields). We can do it by changing score weightage setting for you.
If you have any questions, please drop us an email at
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