A category can be segregated based on the domain it is fetched from, Skill section, or Experience block, in the same way, subcategories are fetched according to the category(stream to which resume belongs).
Cases if it is not getting fetched by the system:-
1. It should be mentioned in the resume to get the appropriate value, however, when the system tries to fetch it based upon profiles and skill keywords which we get from the resume parser, it should be there, if not, in that case, the system will not be able to find it from backend API so the results can be blank.
2. Second, if we don't have any antology for those Profiles, Skills with us in Taxonomy ( Backend ) then we get blank result for the category field.
3.Primary reason for category value coming empty is that we don't have any anotology relation for profiles/Skills fetched from resumes with us.
4.Other reason Category value coming empty is that profiles/skills values extracted by resume parser are not appropriate due to some limitations as we require Job profiles/skills to drive Category/Subcategory values.
For a list of categories and subcategories, you may contact RChilli Support via creating a ticket at RChilli HelpDesk or by sending an email at support@rchilli.com. The support team will provide you the list accordingly.
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