Account Management
- What is the difference between the user types of Developer and User?
- Why has my plan not been downgraded?
- How to Unsubscribe the Plan for client under Partner Control Panel?
- How to check invoice for the clients under Partner Panel?
- RChilli Service Plans and their benefits.
- Can we check number of credits remaining via an API?
- How do we calculate Scoring & Weightage in Search & Match?
- How does RChilli plans Upgrade and Downgrade?
- How to track the parsing logs?
- How can we track OCR Parsing usage?
- How we can update our card details ?
- How can I add sub-users to my account?
- How do we review our Invoice?
- Where do I get my user key?
- How to Reset the Password of My Account?
- Why am I unable to see my logs details at myaccount dashboard?
- How to Unsubscribe a Plan
- How can I add a new user?
- How a User can check the invoice?
- What would be the cost of RChilli API?
- Is My Account Active?
- Benefits of Automation Plans
- How can I update my profile details?
- How users can check the Pending Parsing Credits?
- What is RChilli MyAccount and what all Information it contains?
- Where can I make a payment at billing portal?